Welcome to WoT Basic Training, created by mtl_templar with input from 7th_cav_trooper.
This training assumes that you already have a basic understanding of the game interface, how to play a match, etc. and you’re getting to the point where you realize that you could likely do better if you just knew that little bit more about how it all works. If that’s you, you’re in the right place. If not, and you’re still in need of info on the basics please check out the following, which is a little dated but still good: https://worldoftanks.com/dcont/fb/wot_guide/world_of_tanks_game_manual_en_com_web_8_8.pdf
The below are primers on the absolute basics beyond the basics, things that you might (should) already know, but if not, soak it in. It’s all done in a fairly bland/dry technical writing style, but the content is worth your time, I ASSURE you. Using this training, I have taken guys and doubled their WN8, increased winrates by 5%+, and more.
Once you have completed these topics, feel free to browse intermediate and advanced training and, if you dare, venture into the arena of my personal musings about the game. Good luck out there!
How the WoT Game Client Works
Armor Penetration, Damage, Aim
Spotting and Concealment
Crew Skills and Perks