This is a work in progress, more to come…
WN8 = 980rDAMAGEc + 210rDAMAGEcrFRAGc + 155rFRAGcrSPOTc + 75rDEFcrFRAGc + 145MIN(1.8,rWINc)
- MAX(X,Y) = Returns the highest value ( Basically if X > Y then it will return X, else, if Y > X it will return Y and so on)
- MIN(X,Y) = Returns the lowest value
- rWINc = max(0, (rWIN – 0.71) / (1 – 0.71) ) -> Basically this is (rWIN – 0.71) / (1 – 0.71).
- rDAMAGEc = max(0, (rDAMAGE – 0.22) / (1 – 0.22) )
- rFRAGc = max(0, min(rDAMAGEc + 0.2, (rFRAG – 0.12) / (1 – 0.12))) -> Its either (rDAMAGEc + 0.2) or (rFRAG – 0.12) / (1 – 0.12). Depends which one is the lowest.
- rSPOTc = max(0, min(rDAMAGEc + 0.1, (rSPOT – 0.38) / (1 – 0.38)))
- rDEFc = max(0, min(rDAMAGEc + 0.1, (rDEF – 0.10) / (1 – 0.10)))
Assuming the following as an example:
Which, given those values would result in the following formulated WN8 for that tank:
- FORMULA with our values: 980×1.99 + 210×1.99×2.02 + 155×2.02×1.30 + 75×1.98×2.02 + 145xMIN(1.8,1.44)
- WN8 calculated: 1950.2 + 844.16 + 407.03 + 299.97 + 208.8 = 3,710.16 or 3,710 WN8 in that tank
Thus by various weightings we can see that while damage remains the most important thing (compared to the expected values), kills and spotting and their relationship to each other still has a HUGE impact on WN8 as well, with winrate being the mid-to-low in importance, especially as a MIN value, but still important nonetheless.
So you definitely want to try and maintain higher than expected stats in each of the 5 areas and you’ll be golden on tank WN8.
Player WN8 is a cumulative and weighted value based on the calculations above for every tank you play and (need to validate this, so don’t quote me yet) weighted on the tier as well (low tier high WN8 has lesser impact on your overall WN8 than high tier play, based on how your average tier is increasing as you go – so big impact at low tier for a new account, nearly no impact for low tier when the account is 10s or 100s of thousands of games in with an average tier in the 7, 8, or 9 range).